Gourmet Garage

Gourmet Garage

Auto Repair in New York, NY

Auto Repair

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117 7th Ave S.,
New York , NY 10014 UNITED STATES


Gourmet Garage 212-699-5980
117 7th Ave S.,
New York , NY 10014 UNITED STATES
Gourmet Garage 1

Based on 1 reviews

Gourmet Garage 212-699-5980
117 7th Ave S.,
New York , NY 10014 UNITED STATES
1 5

Check your receipt, often.

Three times during the past three months I happened to check my receipt . All three times, I had been charged too much for an item.

They continuously list products at one price, but then charge a customer higher. In all three cases...
posted at 01/07/11

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Gourmet Garage
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car mechanic,  car repair estimates,  domestic car repair
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