Go Design

Go Design

Local Services in Nashville, TN

Local Services IT Services & Computers

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1305 Clinton St.,
Nashville , TN 37203 UNITED STATES


Go Design 615-321-3040
1305 Clinton St.,
Nashville , TN 37203 UNITED STATES
Go Design 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Go Design 615-321-3040
1305 Clinton St.,
Nashville , TN 37203 UNITED STATES
1 5

Go Design Does Not Deliver as Promised

These folks are disorganized and they promise things they do not deliver. I wasted a lot of money with them before finding out I could do better on my own, utilizing a simpler and less expensive web publishing platform. Calls and emails seeking support from Go Design were ignored and unanswered. Even after I expressed my dissatisfaction to the company in writing, I did not receive an apology, an explanation, or a partial refund.
posted at 09/15/08
Go Design 615-321-3040
1305 Clinton St.,
Nashville , TN 37203 UNITED STATES
5 5

"He who tells his story first, seems right."

How easy to shoot from the bushes Gully...who are you?

We use open source..it is free. If you know what you want, we can help you make that happen. If you don't know it takes longer. If you take up time we need to bill you for it.

Many people want websites or design, however most under estimate how much work it takes to get there. If you were looking for the lowest cost service available to produce a website without any skill sets of your own you should have told us in the beginning so we could have sent you elsewhere.

posted at 01/06/10
Go Design 615-321-3040
1305 Clinton St.,
Nashville , TN 37203 UNITED STATES
4 5

Fantastic Design Firm

This firm helped my company in the most important way.

They have made my business more efficient and memorable by giving me a public presence in the exact form I requested and envisioned.
posted at 01/26/10

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Go Design
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