Global Mall

Global Mall

Shopping in Columbus, OH

Shopping Malls and Shopping Centers

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2210 Morse Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43229 UNITED STATES


Global Mall 614-475-4644
2210 Morse Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43229 UNITED STATES
Global Mall 5

Based on 2 reviews

Global Mall 614-475-4644
2210 Morse Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43229 UNITED STATES
5 5

Wallahi is carsy balace i hat it white pbeople tht think it they re allowed it to come an tell us no good tingis wallahi
posted at 05/11/13
Global Mall 614-475-4644
2210 Morse Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43229 UNITED STATES
5 5

Deward Daclaud Lee's Top Choice International Mall

You can find anything and everything in here! It's right next to Old Time Pottery and Waterbeds n' Stuff. It's definitely a great place to find exotic goods. The experience is truly unique. If you want to find rare goods from Africa, then this is the place to go.

Visit the Somali Link at:

Read our blogs at:

Questions & Comments:
4889 Sinclair Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229

The Somali Link is Your Link to a growing African community of over 98,000 in Columbus Ohio!
posted at 12/05/08

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Global Mall
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Global Mall

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