Glendale Senior High School

Glendale Senior High School

City Government in Glendale, CA

City Government Schools Public Schools

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1440 E Broadway.,
Glendale , CA 91205 UNITED STATES


Glendale Senior High School 818-242-3161
1440 E Broadway.,
Glendale , CA 91205 UNITED STATES
Glendale Senior High School 3

Based on 1 reviews

Glendale Senior High School 818-242-3161
1440 E Broadway.,
Glendale , CA 91205 UNITED STATES
3 5


GHS - VERY big high school, lots of buildings, lots of teams, clubs, activities, etc. They have lots of events, especially if you're a Senior. There's Senior Day and Senior Luau and of course prom.. ...
posted at 10/05/05

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Glendale Senior High School
City Government
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