Gillece Transmissions

Gillece Transmissions

Auto Repair in Bethel Park, PA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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6060 Library Rd.,
Bethel Park , PA 15102 UNITED STATES


Gillece Transmissions 412-835-6199
6060 Library Rd.,
Bethel Park , PA 15102 UNITED STATES
Gillece Transmissions 1

Based on 1 reviews

Gillece Transmissions 412-835-6199
6060 Library Rd.,
Bethel Park , PA 15102 UNITED STATES
1 5


They charged me 2800 for a waterline to my bathroom that should only cost 250. This is the same outfit that was on the news for ripping off 80 year old lady. Terrible. How do they sleep at night.
posted at 08/26/10

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Gillece Transmissions
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
auto painting,  car painting,  auto collision car brake repair
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