German Auto Repair Inc

German Auto Repair Inc

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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11643 Sw Pacific Hwy., 3
Portland , OR 97223 UNITED STATES


German Auto Repair Inc 503-624-7200
11643 Sw Pacific Hwy., 3
Portland , OR 97223 UNITED STATES
German Auto Repair Inc 5

Based on 2 reviews

German Auto Repair Inc 503-624-7200
11643 Sw Pacific Hwy., 3
Portland , OR 97223 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Business

I have been taking my BMW to this mechanic shop for almost 10 years and can't recommend them highly enough. As a female who doesn't care to learn much about vehicles, I have felt demeaned by mechanics on several occasions and just...
posted at 07/04/11
German Auto Repair Inc 503-624-7200
11643 Sw Pacific Hwy., 3
Portland , OR 97223 UNITED STATES
5 5

Better than the dealer

Run by a husband/wife combo, I got the sense that they truly enjoy what they do. Rates are definitely better than the dealer, but then again who isn't? Very knowledgeable and fun to discuss cars with, as long as he isn't too busy!
posted at 08/22/10

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German Auto Repair Inc
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
engine repair,  auto electrical,  foreign car repair car repair estimates
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