Gavris Virginia E Dr

Gavris Virginia E Dr

Doctors in Newton Upper Falls, Newton, MA


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381 Elliot St., 195l
Newton Upper Falls, Newton , MA 02464 UNITED STATES


Gavris Virginia E Dr 617-527-0880
381 Elliot St., 195l
Newton Upper Falls, Newton , MA 02464 UNITED STATES
Gavris Virginia E Dr 5

Based on 2 reviews

Gavris Virginia E Dr 617-527-0880
381 Elliot St., 195l
Newton Upper Falls, Newton , MA 02464 UNITED STATES
5 5

Newton's Best Dentist

When I moved to the area 20 years ago I needed a dentist and Partners in Oral Health was highly recommended. They are a very friendly and accommodating, always trying to work around my busy schedule. Their equipment is new and there are...
posted at 02/10/11
Gavris Virginia E Dr 617-527-0880
381 Elliot St., 195l
Newton Upper Falls, Newton , MA 02464 UNITED STATES
5 5

Newton's Best Dentist

When I moved to the area 20 years ago I needed a dentist and Partners in Oral Health was highly recommended. They are a very friendly and accommodating, always trying to work around my busy schedule. Their equipment is new and there are...
posted at 02/11/11

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