Gary Johnson Floor Covering

Gary Johnson Floor Covering

Rugs & Carpets in Tacoma, WA

Rugs & Carpets

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49 St Helens Ave.,
Tacoma , WA 98402 UNITED STATES


Gary Johnson Floor Covering 253-531-8403
49 St Helens Ave.,
Tacoma , WA 98402 UNITED STATES
Gary Johnson Floor Covering 5

Based on 2 reviews

Gary Johnson Floor Covering 253-531-8403
49 St Helens Ave.,
Tacoma , WA 98402 UNITED STATES
5 5

No Gimmicks!!

Great companymy, wonderful people to deal with, good selection of products at reasonable prices. No hidden charges or gimmick at this store!!
posted at 07/05/11
Gary Johnson Floor Covering 253-531-8403
49 St Helens Ave.,
Tacoma , WA 98402 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great work guys!

I am so glad I called Gary Johnson Flooring! They were 50% less expensive than Great Floors and did ALL the work. The installers were right on time and removed all my furniture, appliances and baseboard and put everything back...
posted at 09/20/10

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Gary Johnson Floor Covering
Rugs & Carpets
5.0 (2 reviews)
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Gary Johnson Floor Covering

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