Friends Automotive

Friends Automotive

Auto Repair in Duluth, GA

Auto Repair

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3975 Pleasant Hill Rd.,
Duluth , GA 30096 UNITED STATES


Friends Automotive 770-622-4115
3975 Pleasant Hill Rd.,
Duluth , GA 30096 UNITED STATES
Friends Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Friends Automotive 770-622-4115
3975 Pleasant Hill Rd.,
Duluth , GA 30096 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Service! Honest Mechanic! Will go Back!

One of the last true HONEST mechanics left in Georgia. Every time I try somewhere else to get an estimate then bring it here to James, they are totally different. If its something you don't need or you can wait on, he will always tell you...
posted at 11/03/10

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Friends Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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