Framingham Nissan

Framingham Nissan

Automotive in Framingham, MA

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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571 Worcester Rd.,
Framingham , MA 01701 UNITED STATES


Framingham Nissan 508-872-7600
571 Worcester Rd.,
Framingham , MA 01701 UNITED STATES
Framingham Nissan 1

Based on 1 reviews

Framingham Nissan 508-872-7600
571 Worcester Rd.,
Framingham , MA 01701 UNITED STATES
1 5

Framingham Nissan does not deserve the benefit of the doubt

I normally don't like bad-mouthing people or companies on the Internet based on one or two bad experiences, but honestly, the people who work at Framingham Nissan, both in sales and in the service department, are criminals. My advice to...
posted at 06/21/11

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Framingham Nissan
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