Four Oaks Garage

Four Oaks Garage

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair

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12969 W Washington Blvd.,
Los Angeles , CA 90066 UNITED STATES


Four Oaks Garage 310-451-2226
12969 W Washington Blvd.,
Los Angeles , CA 90066 UNITED STATES
Four Oaks Garage 3

Based on 2 reviews

Four Oaks Garage 310-451-2226
12969 W Washington Blvd.,
Los Angeles , CA 90066 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service!!!!

Four Oaks Garage is a great choice for your Rover diagnostic work!! Larry even came out to our shop to help us with one of our "basket cases" and charged us very reasonably. We soon discovered that there was more work to be done and once...
posted at 04/23/11
Four Oaks Garage 310-451-2226
12969 W Washington Blvd.,
Los Angeles , CA 90066 UNITED STATES
1 5

a total rip-off

avoid this garage at all costs. i have been a loyal customer since 2005 and larry has spent the past 5 years mis-diagnosing issues related to my radiator. after recoring it (twice) three new thermostats, a new water pump, a new...
posted at 12/14/10

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Company name
Four Oaks Garage
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
japanese auto repair,  auto bumper repair,  fix car dent
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