Fontana Optometric Group

Fontana Optometric Group

Fashion in Fontana, California

Fashion Eye doctors & Optometrists

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8381 Juniper Ave, #100
Fontana , California 92335 UNITED STATES

About Fontana Optometric Group

Our services cover digital eye strain, dry eye therapy, emergency eye care, and management of eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration. We also specialize in myopia control and vision therapy. Visit our optometry in Fontana to experience quality care for all.


Fontana Optometric Group 909-429-2020
8381 Juniper Ave, #100
Fontana , California 92335 UNITED STATES
Fontana Optometric Group

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Fontana Optometric Group
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adult & senior eye exams,  diabetic eye exams,  children's eye exams vision therapy
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Fontana Optometric Group

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