Fleet Paint and Body

Fleet Paint and Body

Auto Repair in Gastonia, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


4239 E Franklin Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES


Fleet Paint and Body 704-852-9377
4239 E Franklin Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
Fleet Paint and Body 4.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Fleet Paint and Body 704-852-9377
4239 E Franklin Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
5 5

Mike N

They do good work. hey get your car back to you quickly. the painter has been there for years & the owner goes out of his way to make sure everyone is happy
posted at 02/01/10
Fleet Paint and Body 704-852-9377
4239 E Franklin Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
4 5

Kathy S

Fleet Paint and Body gave me an estimate on my car when it was hit at school. they do great work, very friendly, easy to talk to and they get the job done quick and efficiently.
posted at 02/05/10
Fleet Paint and Body 704-852-9377
4239 E Franklin Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
5 5

Erika N

Fleet paint a body is a great place to have work done to your car. The people who work there are very friendly & do agreat job. They get your car done quickly & for a fair price
posted at 02/01/10

Detail information

Company name
Fleet Paint and Body
Auto Repair
4.7 (3 reviews)
auto service,  car repair services,  auto body repairs fix car dent
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Fleet Paint and Body

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