Flanagan Lauren

Flanagan Lauren

Veterinarians in Pepperell, MA


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110 River Rd.,
Pepperell , MA 01463 UNITED STATES


Flanagan Lauren 978-433-8613
110 River Rd.,
Pepperell , MA 01463 UNITED STATES
Flanagan Lauren 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Flanagan Lauren 978-433-8613
110 River Rd.,
Pepperell , MA 01463 UNITED STATES
4 5

So friendly, worth the drive!

I used to bring my animals here when I lived in Pepperell but stopped when I moved out of town. I've tried a couple of different local vets but I just didn't feel that comfortable with them. The staff at Pepperell Veterinary Hospital are...
posted at 01/15/10
Flanagan Lauren 978-433-8613
110 River Rd.,
Pepperell , MA 01463 UNITED STATES
5 5

Responsive, caring, and smart

I have been to a lot of vets in the past 20 years, and I am very happy with this practice. The vets (I have worked with Dr. Dyer, Dr. Flanagan, and Dr. Osgood) are available, responsive, and collaborative. They are pro-active and care...
posted at 05/19/10

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Flanagan Lauren
4.5 (2 reviews)
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