Firestone Tire & Service Centers

Firestone Tire & Service Centers

Auto Repair in Phoenix, AZ

Auto Repair

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241 W Osborn Rd.,
Phoenix , AZ 85013 UNITED STATES


Firestone Tire & Service Centers 602-241-1893
241 W Osborn Rd.,
Phoenix , AZ 85013 UNITED STATES
Firestone Tire & Service Centers 1

Based on 1 reviews

Firestone Tire & Service Centers 602-241-1893
241 W Osborn Rd.,
Phoenix , AZ 85013 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dishonest shop

My girlfriend usually goes to Firestone because the maintenance that needs to be done for her warranty. I went in with her to pick up her car and they had a list of services that they recommended for her car. First of all, her car has...
posted at 11/12/10

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Firestone Tire & Service Centers
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car repair services,  engine repair,  car repair estimates
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