Firestone Complete Auto Care

Firestone Complete Auto Care

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Tires

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5010 Ne Sandy Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES


Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-288-5841
5010 Ne Sandy Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
Firestone Complete Auto Care 2

Based on 2 reviews

Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-288-5841
5010 Ne Sandy Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
1 5

Lacking Quality for the $$$

The people that work in the office of this shop are nice, but the head mechanic is lazy. Some times I wonder if they even test drive my car further than a mile before they give it back to us. More than once, I've had to go back in the day...
posted at 02/14/11
Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-288-5841
5010 Ne Sandy Blvd.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
3 5

Capable, but watch your back

I go here because they are capable of good work, and are convenient to my house. If you research tire deals and are a good bargainer, you can do well here. If you don't do your homework, well, it's a jungle out there. On repairs,...
posted at 09/23/10

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Company name
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Auto Repair
2.0 (2 reviews)
domestic car repair,  auto mechanic,  car painting car brake repair
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