Firestone Complete Auto Care

Firestone Complete Auto Care

Auto Repair in Spring, TX

Auto Repair

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1502 Washington Houston Ave.,
Spring , TX 77373 UNITED STATES


Firestone Complete Auto Care 713-224-1733
1502 Washington Houston Ave.,
Spring , TX 77373 UNITED STATES
Firestone Complete Auto Care 4

Based on 2 reviews

Firestone Complete Auto Care 713-224-1733
1502 Washington Houston Ave.,
Spring , TX 77373 UNITED STATES
4 5

Not so good

Whoever wrote the first review must own the place or is their lawyer. I've had to take a car back because a tire was noisy or wobbled. I thought it might fall off it was so bad.
Then I got a quote for $173 to change 4 sparkplugs on a Kia....
posted at 03/10/10
Firestone Complete Auto Care 713-224-1733
1502 Washington Houston Ave.,
Spring , TX 77373 UNITED STATES
4 5

Service at it's best!

We had our brakes done at this location. The staff did a free inspection before any work started. They detailed out all the services to be performed and gave an exact estimate.

They didn't talk down to me or treat me different because I...
posted at 02/25/10

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Company name
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
auto electrical,  auto body repairs,  auto brakes auto painting
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