Firestone Complete Auto Care

Firestone Complete Auto Care

Auto Repair in Natick, MA

Auto Repair

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1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES


Firestone Complete Auto Care 508-655-5014
1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES
Firestone Complete Auto Care 1.75

Based on 4 reviews

Firestone Complete Auto Care 508-655-5014
1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible customer service, arrogant staff

SUMMARY: NEVER EVER GO TO FIRESTONE IN NATICK, MA ? HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE It started when I got a quote for 4 new tires for my car. When I went later on the same day to get the work done, the sales rep (different from the one who gave...
posted at 06/17/10
Firestone Complete Auto Care 508-655-5014
1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible customer service, arrogant staff

SUMMARY: NEVER EVER GO TO FIRESTONE IN NATICK, MA HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE It started when I got a quote for 4 new tires for my car. When I went later on the same day to get the work done, the sales rep (different from the one who gave me the quote) was not able to give me the same price as quoted earlier. He acted annoyed when I told him that he should be able to match the price I was quoted and he said there was no way he could match the quote. After arguing and explaining for 20 minutes, he finally called the sales person (Greg) who had generated my quote. Greg showed this other sales person how it was done and after 30 minutes of annoying explanations, he was finally able to match the price as quoted by them earlier on the same day. He did not offer any apologies and acted as it was all my fault. He was very arrogant and acted annoyed the whole time. He also got really annoyed when I declined the 'Hazard Protection' and after trying several times, he finally gave up. He didn't
posted at 06/17/10
Firestone Complete Auto Care 508-655-5014
1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible customer service

SUMMARY: NEVER EVER GO TO FIRESTONE IN NATICK, MA HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE It started when I got a quote for 4 new tires for my car. When I went later on the same day to get the work done, the sales rep (different from the one who gave me the quote) was not able to give me the same price as quoted earlier. He acted annoyed when I told him that he should be able to match the price I was quoted and he said there was no way he could match the quote. After arguing and explaining for 20 minutes, he finally called the sales person (Greg) who had generated my quote. Greg showed this other sales person how it was done and after 30 minutes of annoying explanations, he was finally able to match the price as quoted by them earlier on the same day. He did not offer any apologies and acted as it was all my fault. He was very arrogant and acted annoyed the whole time. He also got really annoyed when I declined the 'Hazard Protection' and after trying several times, he finally gave up. He didn't try to hide his disappointment and anger after I declined the additional coverage.

Finally I was able to drop the car only to later find out that I had forgot to leave the tire lock key and of course they were not able to get the work done by the time I returned - it was fault on my part and I apologized several times for the inconvenience. We agreed that I would drop the car the next day and that I didn't need an appointment. I was also told all along that replacing the tires takes 1 hour and they ask for 1 hour and 15 minutes, just to be sure.

I dropped my car off (with the tire lock key this time) next day at 11:30 AM and was told it would be ready by 12:45. I had somebody drop me off at their center at 12:30 and guess what; my car was still parked at the place I had left - WITH SAME OLD TIRES. I went inside and asked if they would be able to meet their promise. Greg went inside the workshop and said there was no way they could get the car ready in next 20 minutes. He did not forget to mention that since I had forgotten to leave my tire lock key the previous day, it was because of that that everybody was running behind their schedule. What a nice excuse!! How in the world could I have caused the whole center to run behind their schedule, especially when they did not even require an appointment? He did not apologize and had his arrogant behavior on display, just like the other salesman.

Long story short, horrible customer service, will never ever go back to this store.
posted at 06/17/10
Firestone Complete Auto Care 508-655-5014
1362 Worcester St., 1
Natick , MA 01760 UNITED STATES
4 5


I am writing this because the review on here was just horrible, and they really don't deserve it. This place has the cheapest oil change at like $20 for everything! They also have lifetime computer alignment for $200, about as much as other places but it is good for as long as you own car! The best thing is that you can bring in your tires and they balance and mount them. If that other guy thinks they are rip off tell him to go to town fair tire. They must see them coming there, each time they tell me I need 4 new tires for like $500 when i have 1 small bald patch on 1 tire, able to replace for $60 with used tire and have Firestone install them!
posted at 11/07/10

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