Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service

Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service

Auto Repair in McDonald, PA

Auto Repair

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Tricounty Plaza Rte 201 7.,
McDonald , PA 15057 UNITED STATES


Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service 724-929-2411
Tricounty Plaza Rte 201 7.,
McDonald , PA 15057 UNITED STATES
Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service 1

Based on 2 reviews

Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service 724-929-2411
Tricounty Plaza Rte 201 7.,
McDonald , PA 15057 UNITED STATES
1 5

just go somewhere else

never in my life have i seen so many rude unfriendly and unhappy people in one work enviroment. they really made me feel like i was a inconvience to them. they sopke to me like i was an idiot and very rude to other customers in the...
posted at 04/28/10
Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service 724-929-2411
Tricounty Plaza Rte 201 7.,
McDonald , PA 15057 UNITED STATES
1 5


Horrible experience. The older woman assisting me was utterly obnoxious and condescending. I couldn't believe the treatment I received as a customer. I will never go back the Belle Vernon office. I had a pleasant experience with the...
posted at 08/10/10

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Company name
Fidas Joe Auto Plate Service
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
fix car paint,  auto brakes,  car fixing auto mechanic
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