Fat Sal's Pizza

Fat Sal's Pizza

Caterers in New York, NY

Caterers Pizza

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730 10th Ave.,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES


Fat Sal's Pizza 212-541-6900
730 10th Ave.,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES
Fat Sal's Pizza 1

Based on 1 reviews

Fat Sal's Pizza 212-541-6900
730 10th Ave.,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst Service Ever! CROOKS!!!!

i ordered the butter ziti with a house salad and bread. website prices say that it would be $6.50(extra $.50 for the salad). When my order arrived, I had no salad and was charged $7.00. I called to tell them that I didn't receive my salad...
posted at 08/14/11

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Fat Sal's Pizza
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