Express Smog and Auto Repair

Express Smog and Auto Repair

Auto Repair in Studio City, Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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11467 Ventura Blvd.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES


Express Smog and Auto Repair 818-754-0250
11467 Ventura Blvd.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES
Express Smog and Auto Repair 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Express Smog and Auto Repair 818-754-0250
11467 Ventura Blvd.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES
4 5

fast, reliable, honest

Before I sold my Acura, I had to have it smogged & these guys were terrific to deal with.

Smogging an Acura is not easy, as the car must be warmed up to pass... regardless if the car is properly tuned or not.

These guys did not have to be told this & they handled all the paperwork on their computers so my sale went through the DVM requirements with no problem.
posted at 04/07/08
Express Smog and Auto Repair 818-754-0250
11467 Ventura Blvd.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES
5 5


These guys are not only great at their job, but are truly easy to work with, and will not only give you the best work,
but only the work needed to make your car run great. They are also reasonable, and honest. I would not hesitate to reccommend them to family and friends. James & Park (owners) are great to work with, as is Oscar, a great Mechanic. Among other work they have done on my car (Mercedes) over the years, they recently had to find, and replace the Engine, and it now runs BETTER than it did since it was new! Claire
posted at 05/12/10

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Express Smog and Auto Repair
Auto Repair
4.5 (2 reviews)
fix car dent,  car repair estimates,  fix car paint auto brakes
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