Excel Auto Body & Paint

Excel Auto Body & Paint

Auto Repair in Gilroy, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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6290 Monterey Rd.,
Gilroy , CA 95020 UNITED STATES


Excel Auto Body & Paint 408-848-3923
6290 Monterey Rd.,
Gilroy , CA 95020 UNITED STATES
Excel Auto Body & Paint 4

Based on 1 reviews

Excel Auto Body & Paint 408-848-3923
6290 Monterey Rd.,
Gilroy , CA 95020 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great service!

I brought my car in to repair the driver's side door. Upon bringing it in, the service was great! The front office staff was very friendly. Being a female, it helped a lot to feel as if I knew something about cars. They kept me and my husband well-informed about the status on our car. Then within a week, our car was complete - it was shiny and clean! I would highly recommend this place to family and friends in the area.
posted at 09/27/08

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Excel Auto Body & Paint
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
radiator repair,  japanese auto repair,  auto electrical auto body repairs
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