Evolution Automotive

Evolution Automotive

Auto Repair in Arcadia, CA

Auto Repair

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10 W Live Oak Ave., A
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES


Evolution Automotive 626-821-8797
10 W Live Oak Ave., A
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
Evolution Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Evolution Automotive 626-821-8797
10 W Live Oak Ave., A
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
5 5

Expect Great, Honest Service, Reasonable Prices

I was referred to Evolution Automotive by a former co-worker. He had taken his family's Nissans and Hondas to Evolution for years and always received great service. I am considered a skeptic, but I went ahead and took my Honda in for a repair. There were no "oh by the way, we fixed that, but you also need to get yada, yada, yada done and it will cost you $$$$ to do so." Basically, they will repair what you request and only advise you on something else if absolutely necessary. My experience was so positive, that my husband and I took our other car, an Acura, in for a repair later on. Evolution has done everything from our standard oil changes to brakes to general service check-ups to windows not rolling down properly. I truly feel that they are set to simply do a great job and have your best interest at heart, which has NOT always been the case with automotive repair/service places I've been to before.
posted at 08/17/06

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Evolution Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
auto body repairs,  muffler repair,  japanese auto repair foreign car repair
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