Esquire Motors Incorporated

Esquire Motors Incorporated

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair

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1853 Sw Jefferson St.,
Portland , OR 97201 UNITED STATES


Esquire Motors Incorporated 503-226-6269
1853 Sw Jefferson St.,
Portland , OR 97201 UNITED STATES
Esquire Motors Incorporated 5

Based on 1 reviews

Esquire Motors Incorporated 503-226-6269
1853 Sw Jefferson St.,
Portland , OR 97201 UNITED STATES
5 5

Trustworthy, Efficient, Honest

I go back a long way with Esquire Motors, in fact I believe I was their first customer in 1968 or 1969. I have always found them reliable, honest and affordable. Most repairs have come in under estimate, which is a nice departure from...
posted at 10/20/10

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Company name
Esquire Motors Incorporated
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
automotive repair service,  fix car paint,  auto brakes car brake repair
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Esquire Motors Incorporated

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