Elvins Bakery

Elvins Bakery

Bakeries in Honolulu, HI


Contact us


2451 N School St.,
Honolulu , HI 96819 UNITED STATES


Elvins Bakery 808-848-8118
2451 N School St.,
Honolulu , HI 96819 UNITED STATES
Elvins Bakery 5

Based on 1 reviews

Elvins Bakery 808-848-8118
2451 N School St.,
Honolulu , HI 96819 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best New Bakery in Town!

A bakery like Panya without all the pricey fuss. These bakers are hard workers and make everything thy do to perfection. Try their local made moon cake for that one of a kind delicious sensation. They make several fillings so get ready...
posted at 10/19/10

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Elvins Bakery
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Elvins Bakery

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