El Tapatio Restaurante

El Tapatio Restaurante

Restaurants in Raleigh, NC

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

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4551 New Bern Ave., 120
Raleigh , NC 27610 UNITED STATES


El Tapatio Restaurante 919-255-9161
4551 New Bern Ave., 120
Raleigh , NC 27610 UNITED STATES
El Tapatio Restaurante 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

El Tapatio Restaurante 919-255-9161
4551 New Bern Ave., 120
Raleigh , NC 27610 UNITED STATES
4 5


We eat at El Tapatio at least once a week--usually a weekend night. The food is great. The staff is friendly and efficient. The restaurant is clean and, although not fancy, an inviting place to have wonderful Mexican food! Can't beat it!
posted at 08/13/10
El Tapatio Restaurante 919-255-9161
4551 New Bern Ave., 120
Raleigh , NC 27610 UNITED STATES
5 5


We eat at El Tapatio at least once a week--usually a weekend night. The food is great. The staff is friendly and efficient. The restaurant is clean and, although not fancy, an inviting place to have wonderful Mexican food! Can't beat it!
posted at 08/12/10

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El Tapatio Restaurante
4.5 (2 reviews)
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El Tapatio Restaurante

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