Edge Inn Tavern

Edge Inn Tavern

Restaurants in Cincinnati, OH

Restaurants Bed & Breakfasts

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3935 Edwards Rd.,
Cincinnati , OH 45244 UNITED STATES


Edge Inn Tavern 513-841-9030
3935 Edwards Rd.,
Cincinnati , OH 45244 UNITED STATES
Edge Inn Tavern 1

Based on 1 reviews

Edge Inn Tavern 513-841-9030
3935 Edwards Rd.,
Cincinnati , OH 45244 UNITED STATES
1 5

trashy norwood bartender will steal your money

i've hung at the edge inn at night, and the chick bartender is always very cool. recently went in in the afternoon however, and being the only new face in there in probably ten years, the bartender figured she could rip me off since she'd...
posted at 04/19/11

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Edge Inn Tavern
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