Econo Auto Painting

Econo Auto Painting

Auto Repair in Charlotte, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

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2710 N Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28206 UNITED STATES


Econo Auto Painting 704-342-9788
2710 N Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28206 UNITED STATES
Econo Auto Painting 2

Based on 3 reviews

Econo Auto Painting 704-342-9788
2710 N Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28206 UNITED STATES
4 5

Terrible Paint Job!!!! BEWARE

Terrible paint jobs! Beware. Brought my 2009 car there for the premium paint job which was $315 out the door. There were over 8 paint runs and it looked like they didn't tape anything off. They repainted and took out the runs but painted...
posted at 05/12/11
Econo Auto Painting 704-342-9788
2710 N Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28206 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Paint Job!!!! BEWARE

Terrible paint jobs! Beware. Brought my 2009 car there for the premium paint job which was $315 out the door. There were over 8 paint runs and it looked like they didn't tape anything off. They repainted and took out the runs but painted...
posted at 05/11/11
Econo Auto Painting 704-342-9788
2710 N Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28206 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Paint Job!!!!! Beware

Terrible paint jobs! Beware. Brought my 2009 car there for the premium paint job which was $315 out the door. There were over 8 paint runs and it looked like they didn't tape anything off. They repainted and took out the runs but painted...
posted at 05/11/11

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Econo Auto Painting
Auto Repair
2.0 (3 reviews)
fix car dent,  auto mechanic,  radiator repair german auto repair
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