Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa

Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa

Health and Medical in San Antonio, TX

Health and Medical Hospitals and Medical Centers Doctors

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4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES


Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa 210-615-8332
4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa 5

Based on 1 reviews

Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa 210-615-8332
4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
5 5

Head and neck surgeon...the best Dr. R.K. Newman

Head and neck surgeon...the best Dr. R.K. Newman

I have two cold nodules 5.7 X 2.7 cm each in my right thyroid and mutiple small nodules in my left thyroid.

Dr Newman removes all my thyroid. This is the most scary surgery that I have,...
posted at 08/11/10

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Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa
Health and Medical
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Ear Nose and Throat Clinics of San Antonio Pa

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