Dupage Tire & Auto

Dupage Tire & Auto

Auto Repair in Lombard, IL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES


Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
Dupage Tire & Auto 4.7142857142857

Based on 7 reviews

Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Shop and Great Employees!

Dupage Tire and Auto is a great auto repair shop! They have great customer service and the lowest prices around! A great shop to go to!
posted at 05/30/10
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
3 5

Decent Experience

I was very happy with the quality of service provided to me by the staff at this business. One week after having services rendered, I hit a very bad pothole in the road. When I brought my vehicle back in, the staff re-aligned my vehicle and sent me on my way...free of charge!

Originally, I was concerned with the estimate that I was given. Prices are a little more in comparison to other tire stores in the area, but the end result is certainly worth it.
posted at 04/01/09
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Guys!

I have a 97 f150 that needed an engine replaced and they did a great job! I did have a problem with a head gasket and Bob worked for me and fought for the manufacture (Jasper) on my behalf and got my engine fixed. They explain and educate. They treat you like you want to be treated. A1 service!!
posted at 04/17/09
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5


car broke down, called Du page Tire and they came right out andtowed my auto. They did an wonderful job of repair and explainingthe problem. This is 2ND time i have used them for repairs and theydid a great job both times. Very courteous and they take time toexplain every thing.
posted at 06/06/09
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service and staff - Highly recommend

Had to take truck in for screeching noise and not only did they do a great job replacing brakes, but they found that the serpentine hose had cracks in it. They repaired this also and the prices seemed reasonable. The staff there is very friendly and showed me the old parts so I could see what the problem is. I would highly recommend them.
posted at 07/16/09
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5

Du Page Tire & Auto Ctr Inc is a name to be trusted!

My family has been going to DuPage Tire & Auto Center for over 10 years and would recommend them to anyone. They are very honest and stand by their work.
posted at 07/20/09
Dupage Tire & Auto 630-629-8473
1200 E Roosevelt Rd.,
Lombard , IL 60148 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Shop and Great Employees!

Dupage Tire and Auto is a great auto repair shop! They have great customer service and the lowest prices around! A great shop to go to!
posted at 05/29/10

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Company name
Dupage Tire & Auto
Auto Repair
4.7 (7 reviews)
car audio installation,  auto brakes,  domestic car repair car mechanic
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