Douglasville Shoe Shop

Douglasville Shoe Shop

Shoe Stores in Douglasville, GA

Shoe Stores

Contact us


6720 Broad St.,
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES


Douglasville Shoe Shop 770-942-0629
6720 Broad St.,
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
Douglasville Shoe Shop 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Douglasville Shoe Shop 770-942-0629
6720 Broad St.,
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
4 5

Just OK

I took a pair of shoes in that only required a stitch or two and he handed me a ticket and said nothing. I asked him what was the turn around time? Instead of telling me, he pointed to the ticket, which had Monday circled. 7 days to...
posted at 01/19/10
Douglasville Shoe Shop 770-942-0629
6720 Broad St.,
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very Rude, Needs a Class in Customer Service!!!

Ive used him twice because I thought he was just having a bad day the 1st time I visited him but wow,this guy is slow moving, and he acts as if he's doing you a favor because he is the only shoe repair person in the area! If a franchise...
posted at 03/05/10
Douglasville Shoe Shop 770-942-0629
6720 Broad St.,
Douglasville , GA 30134 UNITED STATES
2 5

Just OK

I took a pair of shoes in that only required a stitch or two and he handed me a ticket and said nothing. I asked him what was the turn around time? Instead of telling me, he pointed to the ticket, which had Monday circled. 7 days to...
posted at 01/20/10

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Company name
Douglasville Shoe Shop
Shoe Stores
2.3 (3 reviews)
naturalizer shoe stores,  shoes online
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