Dobkin Gary R MD

Dobkin Gary R MD

Doctors in Brookline, MA


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55 Pond Ave.,
Brookline , MA 02445 UNITED STATES


Dobkin Gary R MD 617-232-4600
55 Pond Ave.,
Brookline , MA 02445 UNITED STATES
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Based on 3 reviews

Dobkin Gary R MD 617-232-4600
55 Pond Ave.,
Brookline , MA 02445 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Ultrasound Service

We went to Boston Ultrasound Consultants for a thorough ultrasound for our soon-to-be baby. Dr. Fine was incredibly thorough. She started at the baby's head and showed us that the brain was developing...
posted at 09/03/05
Dobkin Gary R MD 617-232-4600
55 Pond Ave.,
Brookline , MA 02445 UNITED STATES
1 5

It so sucked!

I don't usually complain but...first they had to reschedule my appointment due to a medical emergency. I was ok with that, but then on the day of my appointment I was greeted with a surprise T break down. I called BUC right away to reschedule knowing I was going to be late. They instead encouraged me to come in saying I might have to wait a little bit. Well fool me for not asking their definition of "a little bit." It took an hour to get there and I waited in the waiting area for a good hour and when I asked at that point how much longer I was told, at least 20 minutes. Well that was it for me, life is short and I had enough of squealing babies and being part of a cattle round-up waiting to be prodded. I reluctantly rescheduled and walked out in tears. When I was calm enough on the way home I called back and canceled. How many people get treated to these long waits? ( I've seen at least one other reviewer who did) On edge with undiagnosed medical conditions and often with full bladders! The 2 gals behind the plexi glass where as warm as a pair of icecubes. Brrrrrrr, stay clear of this place!
posted at 12/08/09
Dobkin Gary R MD 617-232-4600
55 Pond Ave.,
Brookline , MA 02445 UNITED STATES
1 5


My doctor sent me to Boston Ultrasound Consultant for my first pregnancy ultrasound around 5-6 weeks. When I get there, they made me sign a paper acknowledging that my insurance may not cover this. So first, the doctor attempted to see the baby with an abdominal ultrasound which did not take more than a few seconds. Predictably he could not see anything and asked if he could do a vaginal ultrasound. I agreed since that's what I had expected in the first place.
Now I found at that I have been charged two ultrasound procedures, each for $200 a total of $400!!!! This is truly a money scam! and of course my insurance is not covering it...
I have been trying to talk to the manager/billing person since a week now and she is not returning my calls. This is unacceptable. The least they can do is to inform the patient and ask if they would like to proceed to the vaginal option right away. But this seems more like a little routine they have going to scam people.
I hope I can talk to the manager soon and get an explanation, if there is one that is...
posted at 04/01/10

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