Discount Transmissions & Tires

Discount Transmissions & Tires

Auto Repair in Raleigh, NC

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3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES


Discount Transmissions & Tires 919-369-0026
3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
Discount Transmissions & Tires 2.75

Based on 4 reviews

Discount Transmissions & Tires 919-369-0026
3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
5 5

Give this place a try

I brought my car to All Star on Old Apex Rd. to have my timing belt & water pump changed I was pleased with the service and the costs as a matter of fact I was charged less than I was quoted. I recommend you give this garage a try I am...
posted at 06/28/10
Discount Transmissions & Tires 919-369-0026
3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
4 5

pleasant experience

I had a very nice experience with All Star. I brought my vehicle to their shop with a horrible noise and vibration. I was defenitely expecting the worst. I was expecting to be told I needed a transmission or something else costly. It...
posted at 09/02/10
Discount Transmissions & Tires 919-369-0026
3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not recommend

I would like to give a fair warning to the community on the service that these workers supposedly offer.

Car: 2002 Bmw x5
Issue before being serviced: Brakes squeaked and rotors could be resurfaced.
esitmate: $500

Paid: $1100
Issue now:...
posted at 08/12/10
Discount Transmissions & Tires 919-369-0026
3800 Opportunity Ln.,
Raleigh , NC 27603 UNITED STATES
1 5

All start service center - Denis

I brought my Mercedes to Denis when he said "I have a top mechanic here, and all he does is mercedes." Not only was that a lie, but he took my car without telling me to Classic Performance in Cary two times then tried to charge me 60.00...
posted at 05/04/10

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Discount Transmissions & Tires
Auto Repair
2.8 (4 reviews)
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