Dino Motors

Dino Motors

Auto Repair in San Mateo, CA

Auto Repair

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1321 S Railroad Ave.,
San Mateo , CA 94402 UNITED STATES


Dino Motors 650-571-0406
1321 S Railroad Ave.,
San Mateo , CA 94402 UNITED STATES
Dino Motors 1

Based on 1 reviews

Dino Motors 650-571-0406
1321 S Railroad Ave.,
San Mateo , CA 94402 UNITED STATES
1 5

Breaks appointments and scratches cars.

Terrible shop. He blew me off after driving three hours to an appointment to drop off my car. This was after scratching the paint on my Ferrari. Dino Motors IS shady...
posted at 04/25/11

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Company name
Dino Motors
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
collision auto repair,  automotive repair service,  auto mechanic fix car scratch
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