Di Medici Ristorante Italiano

Di Medici Ristorante Italiano

Restaurants in San Diego, CA

Restaurants Italian Restaurants

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815 5th Ave.,
San Diego , CA 92101 UNITED STATES


Di Medici Ristorante Italiano 619-702-7228
815 5th Ave.,
San Diego , CA 92101 UNITED STATES
Di Medici Ristorante Italiano 5

Based on 1 reviews

Di Medici Ristorante Italiano 619-702-7228
815 5th Ave.,
San Diego , CA 92101 UNITED STATES
5 5

There food was more than AMAZING!!

I recently went there for a friends birthday dinner and it was great. We had 2 personal servers around our tables. When ever our wine finished they would right away poor more and appetizers kept coming. There food was more than...
posted at 06/04/10

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Di Medici Ristorante Italiano
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