Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated

Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated

Auto Repair in Hood River, OR

Auto Repair

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1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES


Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 541-386-3133
1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 4.75

Based on 4 reviews

Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 541-386-3133
1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
4 5

Why go anywhere else?

What a positive experience! The quote was more than what the folks at Delcarpine actually charged me. How often does that happen when you take your car in for servicing?? And it was MUCH less than what the dealership wanted to charge me....
posted at 03/26/10
Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 541-386-3133
1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
5 5

The only place to go!

Excellent service and prices - they will only do work that NEEDS to be done and work extra hard to make sure you are satisfied. LOVE Melissa!
posted at 11/08/10
Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 541-386-3133
1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
5 5

amazing service

I'm not from Hood River, but my car broke down here yesterday. Everyone there especially Mellissa and her co worker were so helpful and kind I have two kids(a sick 2 year old, and a 1month old) and my dog with me headed to WA.. They not...
posted at 01/27/11
Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated 541-386-3133
1465 Barker Rd.,
Hood River , OR 97031 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Job

I went to Delcarpine because someone I know said that their company is a great place. I find that to be true. The first time that I went in they were very friendly and helpful in setting up my appoinment to get a quote on my car. When I...
posted at 05/03/10

Detail information

Company name
Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated
Auto Repair
4.8 (4 reviews)
car fixing,  auto tune up,  auto brakes collision auto repair
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Delcarpine Automotive Repair Incorporated

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