Dan's Precision Alignment

Dan's Precision Alignment

Auto Repair in Encinitas, CA

Auto Repair Tires

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565 Westlake Suite 200., F
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES


Dan's Precision Alignment 760-753-0481
565 Westlake Suite 200., F
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
Dan's Precision Alignment 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Dan's Precision Alignment 760-753-0481
565 Westlake Suite 200., F
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Terrific Service

I am writing to counter the negative review "Mentally Unstable" written. Dan has worked on my 64 Olds 88 and my truck and has been nothing but friendly and fair. When you talk to Dan and find out what really happened with the review...
posted at 04/18/10
Dan's Precision Alignment 760-753-0481
565 Westlake Suite 200., F
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

An Honest Mechanic you can Trust

About a year ago, I was given an estimated to align SUV that exceed $1,000 and was told my vehicle was unsafe to drive. I took the vehicle to Dan for a second estimate and the alignment cost me less than $100. Since that time, I have been...
posted at 03/23/10
Dan's Precision Alignment 760-753-0481
565 Westlake Suite 200., F
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
1 5


Don't go there!! This is a HORRIBLE little shop that even the other repair shops around it don't use. The owner is a strange foul-mouthed guy with a temper. He tried twice to align my Tahoe and finally I had to take it elsewhere. He...
posted at 02/18/11

Detail information

Company name
Dan's Precision Alignment
Auto Repair
3.7 (3 reviews)
auto brakes,  auto tune up,  collision auto repair auto electrical
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