Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen

Restaurants in Norristown, PA

Restaurants Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Fast Food Restaurants

Contact us


2890 Dekalb Pike.,
Norristown , PA 19401 UNITED STATES


Dairy Queen 610-270-8808
2890 Dekalb Pike.,
Norristown , PA 19401 UNITED STATES
Dairy Queen 2

Based on 1 reviews

Dairy Queen 610-270-8808
2890 Dekalb Pike.,
Norristown , PA 19401 UNITED STATES
2 5

restrooms for customers only...really??

My kids had to use a restroom so we ventured into this DQ which had signs all over stating that was only for customers..OK I did order something for them, only problem was half of what they wanted they didn't have. Seriously... it was...
posted at 01/17/10

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Dairy Queen
2.0 (1 reviews)
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Dairy Queen

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