Culver Motor Clinic

Culver Motor Clinic

Auto Repair in Culver City, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Transmissions and Engines

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10707 Jefferson Blvd.,
Culver City , CA 90230 UNITED STATES


Culver Motor Clinic 310-838-7395
10707 Jefferson Blvd.,
Culver City , CA 90230 UNITED STATES
Culver Motor Clinic 1

Based on 1 reviews

Culver Motor Clinic 310-838-7395
10707 Jefferson Blvd.,
Culver City , CA 90230 UNITED STATES
1 5


What a ripoff!!!! They charged tons of money and told me that my car was, "more or less" fixed. 2 minutes later of driving, same problem! Can you believe that?? And they had the nerve to tell me that I needed to replace something that...
posted at 05/22/10

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Culver Motor Clinic
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