Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace

Chinese Restaurants in Raleigh, NC

Chinese Restaurants

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4011 Capital Blvd., 161
Raleigh , NC 27604 UNITED STATES


Crystal Palace 919-878-9699
4011 Capital Blvd., 161
Raleigh , NC 27604 UNITED STATES
Crystal Palace 3

Based on 2 reviews

Crystal Palace 919-878-9699
4011 Capital Blvd., 161
Raleigh , NC 27604 UNITED STATES
1 5

Most Money I Every Paid for Low Grade Food

Our family of approximately 6 people ate there on a Friday early in the evening (5:00 pm).

The place was packed. The food was not particularly good. The restaurant was dingy, not too clean and poorly lit to keep people from noticing....
posted at 08/24/10
Crystal Palace 919-878-9699
4011 Capital Blvd., 161
Raleigh , NC 27604 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Overall Experiance

Great food and a huge buffet. Waitresses and other employees were very friendly. Food was fresh and hot. I would definately go back and recommend to all my friends.
posted at 01/26/10

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Crystal Palace
Chinese Restaurants
3.0 (2 reviews)
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Crystal Palace

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