Coventry Rentals

Coventry Rentals

Construction Consulting and Management in Cleveland, OH

Construction Consulting and Management

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1789 Coventry Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44118 UNITED STATES


Coventry Rentals 216-320-1808
1789 Coventry Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44118 UNITED STATES
Coventry Rentals 1

Based on 1 reviews

Coventry Rentals 216-320-1808
1789 Coventry Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44118 UNITED STATES
1 5

This apartment is nice but the landlords are not. The parking lot is icy in the winter and I fell last winter, breaking my tailbone. Beware, this place is not worth it, especially with everything that's going on with the flashmobs and the rioting on Coventry.
posted at 07/19/11

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Coventry Rentals
Construction Consulting and Management
1.0 (1 reviews)
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