Cottman Transmission Centers

Cottman Transmission Centers

Auto Repair in Virginia Beach, VA

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


3642 Holland Rd., 102
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES


Cottman Transmission Centers 757-463-5554
3642 Holland Rd., 102
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
Cottman Transmission Centers 1

Based on 1 reviews

Cottman Transmission Centers 757-463-5554
3642 Holland Rd., 102
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
1 5

dont be fooled by nationally recognized name

Cottman transmission Holland rd virginia beach is the worst transmission shop . Took my car back just 8 months after initial repair and they did not honor the 1 year warranty. Had my car for 8 days and the Manager Manny called me up...
posted at 01/26/11

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Company name
Cottman Transmission Centers
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car repair services,  auto brakes,  auto diagnostics fix car scratch
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