Corvette Specialties

Corvette Specialties

Automotive in Beaumont, TX

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Parts and Accessories

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12359 Highway 90,
Beaumont , TX 77713 UNITED STATES


Corvette Specialties 409-866-7506
12359 Highway 90,
Beaumont , TX 77713 UNITED STATES
Corvette Specialties 4

Based on 1 reviews

Corvette Specialties 409-866-7506
12359 Highway 90,
Beaumont , TX 77713 UNITED STATES
4 5

Corvette Specialists in general

I have purchased several Corvettes from the folks at Corvette Specialists. Not once did I ever feel like I was being taken advantage of or led around by the sales staff.

When you buy a used sports car, you have to know that it may or may not have been given the care that it deserved by it's previous owner, but I feel like the guys out there on Hwy 90 told me everything that had been done to the cars that I purchased, what might need to be done in the future and when I wanted aftermarket parts for my cars, they got them faster than I could have. They even honored a warranty on my daughter's used car that she purchased somewhere else!

The only reason that I'm not driving one of their cars now is that when I was ready to buy again, their inventory did not include the particular car that I was looking for.

I have always liked them and will trade with them again. It's probably good that I don't live closer to the dealership or I would be hanging around there all of the time.

posted at 11/01/07

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