Coras Best Chicken Wings

Coras Best Chicken Wings

Restaurants in Saint Paul, MN

Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants

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168 Cesar Chavez St.,
Saint Paul , MN 55107 UNITED STATES


Coras Best Chicken Wings 651-221-0020
168 Cesar Chavez St.,
Saint Paul , MN 55107 UNITED STATES
Coras Best Chicken Wings 1

Based on 1 reviews

Coras Best Chicken Wings 651-221-0020
168 Cesar Chavez St.,
Saint Paul , MN 55107 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst Service Period...

Not recommended! Great "SALTY" wings but the wings are not good enough to make up for the terrible service they have. They have rude employees for a place that are probably run by owners and nobody knows how to make card transactions. ...
posted at 01/19/11

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Coras Best Chicken Wings
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