Cootauco Martin C DVM

Cootauco Martin C DVM

Veterinarians in San Gabriel, CA


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1007 E Valley Blvd.,
San Gabriel , CA 91776 UNITED STATES


Cootauco Martin C DVM 626-288-0600
1007 E Valley Blvd.,
San Gabriel , CA 91776 UNITED STATES
Cootauco Martin C DVM 3

Based on 1 reviews

Cootauco Martin C DVM 626-288-0600
1007 E Valley Blvd.,
San Gabriel , CA 91776 UNITED STATES
3 5


he is the best vet I've been to, and he really cares about the animals he treats. He has such a calming way with them that even my feline screaming banshees calm down once he's in the room
posted at 02/09/10

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Cootauco Martin C DVM
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