Cook Brothers Inc.

Cook Brothers Inc.

Furniture in Chicago, IL


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1740 N Kostner Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60639 UNITED STATES


Cook Brothers Inc. 773-770-1200
1740 N Kostner Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60639 UNITED STATES
Cook Brothers Inc. 3

Based on 2 reviews

Cook Brothers Inc. 773-770-1200
1740 N Kostner Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60639 UNITED STATES
1 5

Don't buy electronics

Good: Cheap prices, or so it appears, as they say, 'you get what you pay for'. One star rating. Bad: They claims they have a sign near the electronics saying, 'they are refurbished', meaning second h...
posted at 10/03/10
Cook Brothers Inc. 773-770-1200
1740 N Kostner Ave.,
Chicago , IL 60639 UNITED STATES
5 5

a brotherlways admired cook

I have always admired cook brother because when i was younger i had a aunt work at one and i loved the prices they had, and the prices reasonable for the poor
posted at 03/20/10

Detail information

Company name
Cook Brothers Inc.
3.0 (2 reviews)
quality furniture,  corner office furniture,  custom furniture wholesale furniture
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Cook Brothers Inc.

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