Consign It Stores Incorporated

Consign It Stores Incorporated

Hobby & Model Shops in Bakersfield, CA

Hobby & Model Shops

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6 H St,
Bakersfield , CA 93304 UNITED STATES


Consign It Stores Incorporated 661-325-2401
6 H St,
Bakersfield , CA 93304 UNITED STATES
Consign It Stores Incorporated 1

Based on 1 reviews

Consign It Stores Incorporated 661-325-2401
6 H St,
Bakersfield , CA 93304 UNITED STATES
1 5


Larry Flinchbaugh is a thief along with his wife Phillis and sons. They stole from consignors, estates and generally anyone they could. Stealing from the dead is horrific enough but they didn't stop there. You will be hard pressed to find...
posted at 01/08/11

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Consign It Stores Incorporated
Hobby & Model Shops
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Consign It Stores Incorporated

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