Concourse Pet Center

Concourse Pet Center

Pets in Bronx, NY

Pets Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


2324 Grand Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10468 UNITED STATES


Concourse Pet Center 718-733-9333
2324 Grand Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10468 UNITED STATES
Concourse Pet Center 1

Based on 2 reviews

Concourse Pet Center 718-733-9333
2324 Grand Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10468 UNITED STATES
1 5

i hope they give all the pets to a good petshop, bad attitde,disrespectful.

The place stinks really bad, the people have a HORRIBLE attitude. The dont have an EXACT price , if you look like a sucker or youre a girl especially teen theyll raise the price. When you walk in they just look at you like youre dumb. I...
posted at 03/03/10
Concourse Pet Center 718-733-9333
2324 Grand Ave.,
Bronx , NY 10468 UNITED STATES
1 5

i hope they give all the pets to a good petshop, bad attitde,disrespectful.

The place stinks really bad, the people have a HORRIBLE attitude. The dont have an EXACT price , if you look like a sucker or youre a girl especially teen theyll raise the price. When you walk in they just look at you like youre dumb. I...
posted at 03/02/10

Detail information

Company name
Concourse Pet Center
1.0 (2 reviews)
pet sitters,  yorkie pets,  pet training pets inc
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Concourse Pet Center

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