Computer Geeks

Computer Geeks

Local Services in Austin, TX

Local Services IT Services & Computers

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1704 W Koenig Lane.,
Austin , TX 78756 UNITED STATES


Computer Geeks 512-450-1700
1704 W Koenig Lane.,
Austin , TX 78756 UNITED STATES
Computer Geeks 1

Based on 1 reviews

Computer Geeks 512-450-1700
1704 W Koenig Lane.,
Austin , TX 78756 UNITED STATES
1 5

NO, NO! They Lost EVERYTHING! Pictures and music!!

Everything I had is GONE. Pictures of my daughter from birth to 7, pictures of trips, videos, ALL MY MUSIC FROM ITUNES. GONE, GONE. They created all these FAKE files that were EMPTY. It looked like they put everythign back but they...
posted at 08/13/11

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Computer Geeks
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