Computer Age Automotive

Computer Age Automotive

Auto Repair in Cedar Park, TX

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES


Computer Age Automotive 512-331-9302
701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES
Computer Age Automotive 4.5

Based on 4 reviews

Computer Age Automotive 512-331-9302
701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good Value

I have brought my 2 vehicles to computer age have been repaired the first time and always at a reasonble price.
posted at 02/18/10
Computer Age Automotive 512-331-9302
701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very Honest & Professional Car Repair

This is one of the few car repair places that don't try to sell you a bill of goods. Very honest and only sells you what you need. They don't even try to up-sell you on anything. This is the place to go to get great automotive work done. The prices are very fair as well.
posted at 04/22/09
Computer Age Automotive 512-331-9302
701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good Value

I have brought my 2 vehicles to computer age have been repaired the first time and always at a reasonble price.
posted at 02/18/10
Computer Age Automotive 512-331-9302
701 Cypress Creek Rd.,
Cedar Park , TX 78613 UNITED STATES
5 5

I trust them with my car

It's been a while so I'll do my best with the memory I have.

I have a 2000 Toyota Camry and for the longest time I looked around for a trust worthy mechanic. Almost two years ago, I went to NTB for an oil change, and they told me I needed to spend over $1000 in repairs to my roters and etc. I told them I need to think about it but it made me nervous. What if they were right? But my experience had told me not to trust mechanics as a default until they've earned my trust.

The only place my parents trusts is the dealer, but they are often very expensive. I asked my coworkers whether or not they know of any place. One recommended that I call CAA, and another recommended that I look up at the AAA web site for any partnering with them. CAA came up on the AAA web page, so I took my car in. I dropped off my car at the shop, they took me to work, and picked me up from work, and all I needed was a rear break job at around $120 (even though I told them about what NTB said to me so I know they could have easily takan advantage of me.)

When I started experiencing a vibration at breaking about a year ago, I thought it just needed a balance (because it had happened a couple of years before and balancing helped but then it came back). I took my car to CAA this time. I was afraid it's something serious because I really don't have much money, but it just needed a front break job. That was around Thanksgiving 2008. When I drove the car back home, the front braks would squeal when I break, so I took it back and they said if it continues to squeal after Christmas or New Year, bring it back. It did, and I brought it back. They fixed it, without charging me anything extra.

They've taken care of me unlike any other mechanic I know. They have a clean, organized place, too, and they are very friendly. I'd recommend going to them if you're looking for a mechanic. I'm going to post this on any other web site I know!
posted at 01/17/09

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Computer Age Automotive
Auto Repair
4.5 (4 reviews)
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